Mmmmmm......it turned out so good!!!
Pretty quiet evening last night. We were "scrapbooking" at a friend's house and it was interesting to see what everybody was doing. There were 7 ladies there and here's the breakdown: 3 were doing traditional scrapbooking, 1 was digital scrapbooking, 1 quilting, 1 doll making and I was knitting. Last night was the perfect example of how scrapbooking brought us together, but friendship keeps us that way.
I was really interested to watch the digital scrapbooking as it's something I would love to dabble in this coming year. So of course while Keith and I were out and about today I picked up the program! Haven't even taken it out of the shopping bag yet, but hope to do so soon.
Today was the kind of day I enjoy most with Keith. One of his friends owns a radio control hobby shop in Ft. Worth, so we headed over there today to check it out. Very nice man and I enjoyed talking with him. Pretty cool too was that his dad was in the shop with him and dad had just returned from Iraq! Lots of customer friends were coming in and slapping him on the back and welcoming him home.
We stopped for lunch at a new to me restaurant, then shopped in an area that we always enjoy. Basically just moseyed around a lot today and still got quite a bit done. Last stop was Sprout's Market - after taking Joe to the park - where we got the makings of salsa to use the new salsa maker that James and Loni got me for Christmas. Our big plans for New Year's Eve include eating salsa and watching a movie or two. Really what we most enjoy.
~ Elizabeth
I'm just now starting to feel "normal" again after the holidays. This poor body just can't take the celebrating like it used to! For the most part this week I've come home from work, eaten dinner and gone to bed. Last night I finally stayed up til 9:00 - woohoo! There's really quite a bit I should be doing around here, but instead I sat and watched tv and did some sock knitting. So nice and peaceful. Tonight I'm going to a friend's house for scrapbooking, but will actually do more sock knitting! I don't have my scrapbooking stuff at a point that I know what I want to work on and the knitting is so portable - so easy to pick up the box and go. And really, it's mostly about being with friends anyway.
As we head into the New Year it's only natural to look back. 2005 was filled with many personal trials and I've said for some time that I can't wait for it to be over. But really, as I was standing at Daddy's grave on Christmas Day crying, I really was filled with a peace. Maybe I'm finally accepting the fact that he's gone. It's especially hard during the holidays as you realize that one of your group is missing from the table, and yet that table is still surrounded with people that I love deeply. I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned here somewhere.
~ Elizabeth
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. - Romans 15:13
~ Elizabeth
Friday we got a call from James that their apartment flooded again. I'm not sure of what caused it, but the cause was on the 3rd floor and they are on the bottom floor, so it was really a mess. They ended up staying with us and brought the grandkitties along! It did hit me this morning that as much time as I got to spend with the kitties I completely forgot to take any pictures of them at all. And even though the circumstances weren't great for all of them staying with us, I will admit that I enjoyed it just the same.
~ Elizabeth
The pound cake came out perfectly and made a great breakfast this morning with my coffee. I also made some pumpkin butter and have a few more batches of that to make as well, which might happen today.
So last night I knitted on the sock while watching CSI and Without a Trace. I've never been much of a tv watcher, but I've started thinking that must be because life gets so busy with young kids. My life is very relaxing now, so I get to watch tv and knit by the glow of the Christmas tree. If all goes well the sock should be finished by the time I go to bed tonight.
Today I took a vacation day and turns out I have no real plans as the plans we had made fell through. That's perfectly ok with me though as this day was a "use it by the end of the year or lose it" type of thing and no way will I lose a day off! There's a couple of errands to run and then I'm just going to play with my toys today.
~ Elizabeth
From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other.
We did get the tree mostly up today. Keith and I bought new tree trimmings at Hobby Lobby last night and didn't get enough garland, so we'll get more tomorrow and finish it up. Then while out shopping today we discovered dog antlers in the dollar spot at Target! I was so happy - and Keith was rolling his eyes over my glee - because we'd been to Petsmart last night and they were out. Joe is just so very handsome with his antlers on and he loves them.
Also got our Christmas "portrait" done for the Christmas cards and will pick up the test shot tomorrow. If it's good I'll order the rest and might actually have cards out in a timely manner this year.
~ Elizabeth