Sunday, August 31, 2008
My First Cardigan
Friday, August 29, 2008
Smelly Dog, Smelly Dog
We're driving along tonight and unbelievably we see a skunk walking
along the road. I turned to Keith and mentioned that I'd never seen a
live skunk before - only dead ones at the side of the road.
Fast forward about 45 minutes and Joe needed to go outside. I opened
the back door and out he went. I walked over to get water from the
fridge when I smelled the most horrible smell EVER! The lightbulb
went on in my brain and I went running to the back door. Sure enough,
Joe was nose to nose with a very irritated skunk, who had a very
puffed up tail!!! I started yelling at Joe to "COME" and he finally
ambled over and straight into the shower he went.
Apparently he didn't get sprayed too bad because I was able to get the
smell out.
Good times????? :)
Dinner with B&R
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Joe At The Lake
We always know when he's had enough swimming and gets tired because he'll swim to the boat and kind of hold on to the ladder til we get over to him and help him back in. We take off his lifejacket, he shakes the water all over the place, then he finds a place to work on his suntan.
Doggie good times...... :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Stamp Night Projects
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Preemie Eyelet Hat
Silly aside, the pattern can be found here and only took a tiny bit of yarn and a small block of time. It truly is a darling hat and now I want to make all the hats she shows on the blog.
Not sure yet where I will donate these hats, but I'm willing to bet I'll find someplace. :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Scarves to Donate
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Being Still
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Day At The Aquarium
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Feather and Fan Baby Blanket
This was made for one of my dear friend's daughters who is due very soon. I started the blanket in March but just sort of did a few rows every now and then because I knew I had 9 months to finish. Guess what - those 9 months pass more quickly than you think - LOL! The last two weeks have seen quite a bit of dedicated knitting time on this blanket.
I chose white because I've always thought that white blankets look very heirloom. And the white yarn with this lacey pattern just made it so beautiful.
The yarn is simply the Pound of Love by Lion Brand. I am a firm believer in using yarn that a new mother is able to wash and dry. And this drapes so lovely.
Keith and I were looking at it yesterday morning and he asked me how long it took to knit. I was able to figure a rough estimate because each pattern repeat took about an hour, so approximately 44 hours went into this blanket. That sounds like a tremendous amount of time, but really it was all knit either watching tv/movies with Keith or knitting with friends.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Wii Are Becoming More Fit

We bought a WiiFit last weekend and have been having so much fun with it! What are the odds that I would ever say any kind of exercise was actually FUN???
For those that have never seen it I'll explain the screen. In the foreground is the back of Keith's head (his Mii) and he's doing the hula hoop game. During this event there are two other Mii's that are facing you and will periodically toss another hula hoop your way. The idea is to lean over and catch the hula hoop on your head, then try and spin all the hula hoops at one time.
One of my favorite parts of the Wii is that once people play on it their Mii becomes part of our machine. So in this particular screen shot you see the Mii on the left with the pink shirt - that is my Mii. The other Mii, the one with the blonde ponytails and white shirt is BROOKLYN!!! This really makes Keith and I laugh when we're doing any of the WiiFit games and we see Brooklyn. The machine just tosses in random Mii's, so we never know who we'll see and that's part of the fun of it.
My favorite is a step aerobic type game, especially now that I've unlocked the advanced mode. I have confirmed that I have no rhythm at all, but it is fun to do and makes me laugh.
One more thing - the first time you set up the WiiFit it weighs you and figures your BMI. And at that point it makes your little Mii on the screen become larger. Strangely enough it was funny to watch my little Mii look down at her body growing exponentially and her little eyes got quite large at the phenomena! And the little board that you step on? Each time you hear a little voice say "Oh!" like it can't believe how large you are. Thankfully I do find this hilarious.... ;)
Good times......
Monday, August 04, 2008
It's For Brooklyn Honey....

Now the background to the next part of the story is that Keith and I watch a LOT of Discovery Channel and it's been Shark Week....
As we were bobbing along and talking and laughing I turned to Keith and asked him - in all seriousness mind you - if a shark would suddenly appear and bite me would he swim over and punch it in the nose? He gave me The Look and told me that sharks are not in lakes. OK, I get that, but let's pretend for a minute that somehow a shark got in the wrong place, showed up at our lake and bit me, would he punch out the shark? Keith was silent for a minute and then said no. I feigned being insulted, then asked why not. He said "Well, really there is no sense in both of us getting bitten, so I should stay over here. You know...for Brooklyn." OK, I burst out laughing at that. I love it that he's not going to save me so that he would be alive for our granddaughter. :)
Good times.......
Saturday, August 02, 2008
looming deadline that's when mistakes happen. What you're seeing here
is three dropped stitches. And unfortunately I didn't bring a crochet
hook along on this trip to take care of this problem. Fortunately I
have a Macyver husband who fashioned a crochet hook out if a clothes
hanger and I was on my merry way. He told me to get him a hanger, some
duck tape and a coconut and he'd get me fixed up.
I love that man. :)
Friday, August 01, 2008
Coffee and Mud Dobbers, Though Not Together

I got the mug at a Harry and David store at the outlet mall when the family females went shopping a few weeks back. When I saw it on the shelf I was just so tickled and sashayed my fine self up to the register only to find that it was ON SALE even! Really, does it get any better than that???