Thursday, January 12, 2006

Trip To The Vet

Joe gets pretty curly after a bath! He was wanting to look good for his trip to the doctor today, so Keith bathed him last night. You can see the curls on the back of his legs.

This morning we arrived at the vet at 7:00, ready to be checked in. He thought it grand fun at first because he was able to wag tails and rub noses with another big dog. Then that dog disappeared behind The Scary Door and didn't return. The tech came over and weighed Joe (yay - he's lost a few pounds!), put an official leash on him and started walking towards The Scary Door. Joe decided he wanted no part of this, thank you very much, and planted his feet to the floor! Unfortunately for him, they have tile floor and he just slid towards The Scary Door, looking at me with pleading in his eyes. The tech asked me to walk with them a little ways, then they went on back and I could hear him whining. Poor baby. All this just to get his teeth pearly white again! I'll be thinking of him during the day because anesthesia is a scary thing with an epileptic dog.

Still not awake yet this morning, even though I went to bed EARLY last night. Hopefully this coffee will kick in quickly!!!

~ Elizabeth

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well hope he did good at the Vet and his teeth are pearly white now!