Friday, January 27, 2006

My Space

Since last night I went to bed early, there's really not much to report. I figure this is the perfect opportunity to enthrall everybody with an exciting picture of one of my favorite places! The riot of non-coordinating colors in this picture doesn't do my corner justice in showing the peace that can be found within. This chair is where I love to sit and knit in the wee hours of the morning or late at night before bed. Since there is obviously not much space here, I am able to sit in the chair and put my feet on the bed if I'm in the mood for that. You can also see the very corner of Joe's crate and he most of the time is sound asleep within. Behind that is my dresser and my tv/dvd combo lives atop that. So this morning I was able to watch a classic Lucy episode (Lucy stomping grapes, it really can't be beat!!!) while knitting on my sock. Oh and the pillow on the chair is one that my wonderful parents-in-law brought to me when I was in the hospital last year. The happy colors make me smile every time I see it.

~ Elizabeth

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5

1 comment:

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Whether or not the colours and patterns match or not, the point is that you get peace and can relaxthere :o) and that's the main thing. It's looks very comfy and cozy. I love the quilt on the bed too!