Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Humility, Clipboards and Weight Loss

Church tonight - YAY!!!

I did this clipboard about a month ago at our monthly scrapbook/teaching meeting and finally remembered to post it! Altered clipboards are something that I always assumed were way too hard for me and I found out I was wrong! The teacher's clipboard used the corkboard in the lower right with pushpins and as a clipboard. She also put a post-it pad on the lower left and said it was hanging in her cube at work. I want it to hang in my crop room, so decided to go with more pictures than functionality. I also discovered that I had a blast working with pictures of the kids when they were young, so I think I need to start scrapbooking some of those pictures and bring the "fun" back to my layouts.

It also hit me for a new reason today that I will always have pets. Obviously I absolutely adore having them around, but they also help to keep a person humble. How in the world can we be arrogant when we constantly are having to clean up cat vomit or dog droppings? Something to ponder on. ;)

And Friday morning I have my routine rheumatological appointment and am hoping he can do something with my right arm (sounds like I'm hoping for him to delete it or something!). I'm now having to wear a brace on it at all times and that is rather restrictive. I miss knitting and while that might seem silly to some, for me it was very soothing to have the rhythm of the needles and such a great stress reliever. Maybe there will be a magic pill or shot and all will be well again.

Oh and I have truly discovered the secret to weight loss! Last night's dinner was a new to me casserole recipe from the internet and sweet cream biscuits from the Rachel Ray magazine. The biscuits were very good and the casserole I declared to be "yuck" after two bites and ate no more. So the simple secret is to only have foods that are "yuck" and you will eat less!!! LOL!

~ Elizabeth

"God will not look you over for medal, degrees or diplomas, but for scars." - Elbert Hubbard

1 comment:

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

The clipboard is great! You did a wonderful job on it.

Hmm...I think I need to find more 'yuck' foods LOL!