The picture, taken with the cell phone, is a dishcloth I made for the hostess (you can't tell, but it's PINK!). When we were there two weeks ago she was showing us all her pattern books for dishcloths and then mentioned that not only had she never knit one, she had never used one! I got to work and finished this in time to gift it to her last night. Not sure she'll actually use it, but she was very gracious about the gift. :)
There were several new ladies there last night from their book club. Book club - my heavens I have looked for a book club for years and years down here! I did attend a meeting of a club one night at Barnes and Noble, only for the management to announce that the club would be disbanding after that meeting. Oh well. So now I'm eagerly mulling this over as well. Reading was really my first hobby and still remains something I love to do. I will add though that I just got back from my lunch break, having gone out with some people here at work. We were talking about whether or not knitted projects actually get finished or not and I just casually mentioned that finishing isn't really a big deal to me. Then I said that what I love most of all is getting together with people and visiting, so I added that I think my favorite hobby is talking. Let's just say that amidst the laughter that followed there was not a single person that argued that point. ;)
One of the new ladies of the group last night was talking about her volunteer work for the USO. Somebody else mentioned that they didn't know there was even still a USO and lo and behold there's quite a group right here in the DFW area. She asked for donations of new children's books and explained the program. As military personnel prepare to leave for overseas they have a place where they can get a book and read it aloud for their children. The USO records this and sends a DVD and the book to the child so that when they miss their dad (or mom) they can sit down and read a book with them! I love this idea so much, so my next visit to Barnes and Noble will include some children's books.
Anybody else love Michael Buble'? That man has got such a beautiful voice! Especially nice with headphones on as I know he's singing just to me. ;)
wow, that is a great wash cloth. I truely appreciate those fancy stitches now that I know how hard they really are to make. Oh yes I love Michael Buble. I have a few of my favorite on my blog blog MP3 player. He is such a hottie!!!! OOOLALA!!!
The dishcloth is a very pretty pattern and seems the perfect gift for the hostess of your group.
And yes, I really enjoy listening to Michael Buble, too!
I love, love, love the Buble. He is simply marvelous!
Great cloth Elizabeth! I need to get started on my for the swap. I have the yarn, just haven't decided on a patten yet.
Never heard of Michael Buble...what does he sing?
Happy weekend!
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