Yesterday was a fun day - a dear friend met me for a "pre-birthday" lunch! It's always fun to have lunch with friends and during the week can be especially nice as it reminds you that there is life outside your job. We had good food, lots and lots of talking and PRESENTS - LOL!
And since today is my birthday it's just really tough to get into the working frame of mind. Though I did think for a little bit that I was going to be getting a REALLY BIG PRESENT today. I was awakened at 4:00 by the strangest sound and I finally discovered that it was the refrigerator motor. So I sat and contemplated what color new refrigerator we'd be buying today! ;) Turns out Keith thinks it's a bearing and can be replaced, so thankfully no spur of the moment big purchase - WHEW!
~ Elizabeth
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Happy birthday!!! Since you won't be making any big purchases, i.e. fridges, you should go buy yarn instead ;o)!!!
Happy Birthday and God Bless!
Your Joe reminds me of Dottie our Basset/Retriever mix who loves to sit by me while I knit.
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