Last night Keith and I met several other knitters for Slap Stitch, an event held at the Dallas Stars Hockey game (where we beat the Phoenix Coyotes in overtime - yeah baby!). I've been droopy today since I was up so late, but it was oh so worth it.
Some observations from the evening:
~ I enjoyed meeting Alissa's daughter. She has a great, outgoing personality. And Alissa put on the most beautiful shawl partly through the game.
~ I heard something last night that I've never heard when at a hockey game before: "Does anybody have a tape measure?" And me answering the gal 3 rows down from me that I do, handing said tape measure to Keith and him handing it down.
~ Really I think they need to install Ott lights for knitters at hockey games.
~ Keith leaning over to Lise and I when something would happen so we could sorta keep up with the game. "In case you guys were curious, we just scored a goal." ;)
~ Looking at the sock I had been knitting for three hours and realizing how little I'd finished. My poor husband got his first taste of how I do my hobbies. He was actually a little incredulous at the amount of talking I did instead of knitting or watching the game! Hard to believe we've been married 27 years and he's just figuring this out - LOL!
~ Watching other knitters is fascinating. The gal right in front of Lise and I was truly the fastest knitter I've ever seen. At one point I thought about ripping the bag of cotton candy out of her hands and telling her to stop eating and get back to knitting so I could watch her some more! She knit continental and I swear I thought she'd have an entire afghan completed by the end of the game. And the lady in front of her was knitting lace! We drooled every time she held it up. I have to knit lace in a very controlled environment - no noise, interruptions, etc. - and here she was at a hockey game knitting lace. What a woman!
~ Keith thought it fun how much all the knitters around us laugh and do it so heartily. I think he's starting to understand why we enjoy getting together.
I didn't take a camera because I thought I remembered (incorrectly I might add) that no cameras are allowed inside the AA Center. But I did have my cell phone and once it decides to let me have the photos it's holding hostage I'll post a picture.