hehehehehehehe!!!! I surprised Meeko when I walked through the bedroom and saw him curled up and sleeping on........one of Keith's socks and one of Joe's toys! Silly goose - he always acts like he doesn't like Keith and Joe. Busted!
I'll admit to being a wee bit awestruck by this vision and it set the tone for a good part of my morning that day. I seem to be getting a plethora of advice lately on my faith, both from real people and reading things online and it's not always good. How is it that everybody seems to be knocking so many things lately? Are we not of one faith? The pettiness is just too much sometimes and I was getting way too tense about it all. I have come to the conclusion, through much prayer, that I have given way too much "power" to other people that perhaps I shouldn't. The online people especially as I really don't know anything about them. But even the "real" people that seem bound and determined to change me to their vision of what I should be. I believe now that I will just let them talk, smile sweetly and let my Bible do my teaching. I also have an awesome pastor at church, a knowledgeable Sunday School teacher and a Bible study leader that can help to guide me. The path of my feet seems to be uncluttered again and all is right in my world. :)
~ Elizabeth
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. - Romans 14:13
Last night at our knitting group we turned in our scarves for the Think Pink Challenge. This scarf is the Single Cable Scarf from the One Skein Book and is made from Blue Sky Alpaca - oh so soft! I'm very pleased with this scarf and will most definitely do it again. I also did a fuzzy, novelty yarn scarf. I think there are about ten scarves from our group and I can't wait to see the picture of all of them together!
And before we met at the coffee shop for knitting and such we first met at a Vietnamese restaurant for dinner. Really good and I'm glad I went with some "pro's" since I'd never had this cuisine before. Quite tasty and I hope we return!
All in all we had a very nice weekend. Yesterday was the first time in a very long time that we did absolutely nothing and I have to admit that it was nice! I wasn't feeling great, so we just sort of hung out on the couch watching tv and enjoying the rain together. We did watch the nascar race, which gave me some quality knitting time, and Lynne' brought in the Blue Man Tour dvd for our evening's watching. When Keith switched to the Dallas Cowboy football game was about when I had enough of the couch!
I have been pretty good about doing the exercises on the big blue ball and still enjoying it. Now last night Joe was pretty revved up and thought it grand fun again, so while leaning back on the ball I had a golden retriever holding his tennis ball right in my face! Ah well, it's hard to get on to them when they are being so cute!
Saturday Keith had to work, so all of our best made plans for the weekend changed. This did give me the opportunity to head up to the scrapbook store and see a friend that was in town for the weekend. She moved to Omaha about a year ago, so it was good to see her again. We all had a nice visit and lunch together and it's always fun to catch up. Fun to see pictures of her son's first day of Kindergarten as well. He is just adorable and hard to believe he's getting that old.
~ Elizabeth
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. - Psalm 19:14
When we got back our first thought was to watch a movie on pay per view, but with one click of the remote we were reminded that there is a Nascar race tonight, so that's the winner (if you look closely you'll see the race on tv behind Joe). I'm off to get my knitting and watch a race with my beloved now. :)
After breakfast we met up with some more friends at a yarn shop in Dallas. From there we went to the Art District and visited another yarn shop that was tres cool. This one, The Shabby Sheep, is now my second favorite shop in the DFW area. The owner is super nice, she has great taste in yarns and there is a shop puppy!
The photo is Blue Sky Cotton and the beginnings of the Single Cable Scarf in the One Skein book. I'm knitting it for the Think Pink Challenge and we're mailing ours on 9/13, so I have a little bit of a time crunch, but I think I can get it done in time!
After we cleaned up the kitchen from dinner we ran up to Starbucks. Lynne's friends are all starting to hang out there and she's not a big coffee drinker, so I told her I'd help her find something she likes. Right now I'm lovin' the mocha frappucino's, so I ordered a venti and she tasted mine. BINGO - she was hooked! We split this one and now she knows what to order in the future.
After we got home Cristina picked me up and we went up to the hospital to visit Dawn. She looked so much better today - Praise the Lord! Such a helpless feeling to see a friend laying in a hospital bed. Luckily she is getting out today and starting physical therapy, so we expect her to be dancing around with us again soon.
~ Elizabeth
Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. - 1 Chronicles 16:11