Thursday, June 29, 2006

Girls A Knittin'

I suppose at some point I need to slow down and get some rest, but in the meantime I'm having the time of my life. Last night was my first visit to a new to me group of knitters at a coffee shop in a nearby 'burb. Got there early and went to dinner with a friend and her husband, then got back and just really enjoyed myself. LOVE the owner of the coffee shop and she was sitting with us working on her project. I finished a very small lace project I was working on (pictures soon) and did the cast on for a new baby blanket. Got home and played with the dog while talking with the hub and daughter before crashing in bed. But luckily today at work our CEO sent an email to the whole company saying he had decided to give us Monday off as well - woohoo! A four day weekend ahead - does it get any better than that???

~ Elizabeth

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures." - Irish proverb

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