We're home from a wonderful weekend at the lake. Of course, as I sit here typing this my shoulders, back and legs are so sore from yard work, but even so it's wonderful.
The picture above was so pretty through my viewfinder, but now that it's out of the camera...eh, not so much. But I'm leaving it anyway. :) We put a bunch of grass seed out and of course had to to water it it. Really hoping that it takes hold, especially the front yard. We put tree limbs through the shredder, raked up leaves and filled so many bags to bring home. And I lost count of how many times we'd have people stop by and say "you two are working far too hard this weekend!" Maybe so, but it sure is looking good. There are so many trees up there and while I wouldn't trade them for the world they do make a mess to clean up.

And as a side note, I've finally given in and gotten a Facebook account and am surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. For one I get to keep up with some friends that I don't see every day, but more than that I've found a couple of my friends from years ago that I had lost touch with. It's fun to see what they are doing on a daily basis and it just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside remembering our fun together. Who knew I'd enjoy it so much???
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." - Elizabeth Foley
Sorry, I removed my first post because of a spelling error and realized I couldn't edit it! Silly me! What I did say was that I joined facebook several months ago and it is very addicting. However, like you, I now have a connection to relatives that I only had a few times throughout the year prior to facebook. Now I'm in contact and up on their lives. Plus I love seeing the pictures. Still love keeping up my blog too.
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