Monday, June 30, 2008
Old McDonald

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Beautiful Timing

And on the way home from the daycare, while Brooklyn was sleeping, a most amazing thing happened. I was riding along thinking about what a blessing it's been to have this little girl in our life. Next thing I know the song "The Fingerprints of God" by Steven Curtis Chapman came on the radio. Here are some of the lyrics:
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you
Fashioned by God's hand and perfectly planned
To be just who you are
And what He's been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living, breathing
Priceless work of art
And I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's true
You're a masterpiece that all creation
Quietly applauds
And you're covered with
The fingerprints of God
Just look at you
You're a wonder in the making
And God's not through
In fact, He's just getting started!

Lucky for me I came to a red light about that time, so i pulled my trusty "grandma" camera out and reached over the backseat and her car seat to take this picture. Yes, she is indeed covered in the fingerprints of God.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Stick A Fork In Me, I'm Done!
It all started when I saw the pattern for the Everlasting Bagstopper on Knitty. Cute, but didn't give it another thought really. And then while looking through Ravelry I saw one done in the most amazing colors and fell in love. I emailed the photo and pattern link to some girls at work and thought that was that.
Except that these girls fell in love with the bag and started knitting! The picture is one of our in progress pictures. From left to right: mine, Princis, Loni, Audrey. Since this photo was taken all bags are finished (yeah, I was last!), Lynne' has started one, Audrey has finished another one, and all three girls have started another. Bag making machines I tell you!
One of the comments we make over and over at work during our lunchtime knitting is that "it takes a village to knit a project" because we love to brainstorm. Each bag has some subtle differences as we all discover our favorite methods.
I am one of those people that really dislikes changing colors while knitting, so I bought one of the giant skeins of Bernat cotton so that no joining would be required. ;)
My changes from the pattern: the top edge is stockinette stitch instead of garter stitch and my handles are knitted. I picked up 10 stitches and knit probably about 14 inches, then picked up 10 more stitches on the other side and knit for 6 inches, then used the kitchener stitch to join. A lightbulb went on for me while knitting the second handle and this time I did my kitchener stitch with all knit stitches since it's a garter stitch handle and I'm a lot happier with it.
Too cute! I was absolutely ready to start making another bag, but have a deadline project I'm working on before I can do another. My goal is to have enough to take grocery shopping so that I no longer have to use the plastic bags.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Strawberry Cupcakes

So far the comments at work have these as the best cupcakes I've brought to date. My car smelled oh so good on the way to work this morning.
These are not the prettiest I've ever made, partly because of the icing. The icing consists of cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar and frozen strawberry puree. As I was piping it on the icing became less and less able to hold its shape, so I plopped the whole lot into the refrigerator for a while. The second batch did a little better.
Regardless of appearance, these were awesome. Keith is not normally a fan of "scratch" cakes because they are more dense. This recipe made a very light cake full of flavor.
Edited to add link to recipe. :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

I love the concept of the quote. By facing that which we fear we are able to conquer it and fear no longer has any power over us. Between that and having God as my co-pilot it stands to reason that I am king of the world!
Except not so much. There are things that I'm afraid of. And it's a funny thing about fear - those that don't share your fear seem to tsk tsk at it. Sometimes facing a fear is really, really hard. I faced several this past weekend and it wore me out!
The first has to do with the boat. I love the lake and was practically raised on its waters. But at some point in the last couple of years I have developed a deep fear of being on the water. Keith asked me why I'm afraid and really who can ever pinpoint the cause of a fear? So when he asked me if I wanted to start learning to drive the boat the inner me ran and hid in a corner. Exterior me looked that fear in the face and decided to count it as my fear for that day. I sat behind the wheel and I kid you not I had locked elbows and legs! My chin was quivering and I was reciting the 23rd Psalm over and over as I sped up. But God and me, we got through it. His gentle whisperings of encouragement helped me to slowly relax. I can't say that I got to the enjoyment phase of that boat trip, but at least a large part of the fear was faced. And the next day, with water smooth as glass, I drove again and did actually enjoy it!
And then that evening after dinner Keith suggested we go out and ride the motorcycles. Mind you, I've ridden these things for probably 30 years and always enjoyed them. But having the wreck almost two years ago changed the enjoyment to fear. "But Lord, please don't make me face two fears in one day!" "You can do it little one." ~ sigh ~ I walked out to the little scooter and got on. We rode for a while and again, I never got the enjoyment back. But the terror that I've felt each time I think of riding them has now passed.
With all the fear facing this weekend I was glad to get back to work today and relax! :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Happy Dog!

Monday, June 16, 2008
The Little Tree That Could

Look at the center of the picture and see the little tree growing amongst the tires. That's the image I keep seeing in my mind's eye. And with it I see several stories....and it's at this point that my family groans... ;)
- Bloom Where You Are Planted - We've all heard the saying and we all have examples. Whether your example refers to where your home is, who your friends are, where you work - it implies a certain easygoing nature. And looking at this little tree, growing where it honestly shouldn't be able to, brings it to mind.
- He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you. Luke 17:6 WOW - that is really quite powerful. Like so many others, there's several things going on in my life right now that are causing a bit of upheaval (and my first case ever of hives - joy!). And the one thing that I always try to do is to keep my eyes open to the many things that God puts before me and this is a perfect example. This tree has been "uprooted and planted in the sea" ... so to speak ... and is there for me to witness.
I know that I'm not a gifted or eloquent writer, but the Lord has truly put this little tree on my heart.
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." - Numbers 6:24-26
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Yarn Shopping With Brooklyn

She had an absolutely grand time wrapping yarn around everything and laughing and talking to it. And of course I had a fabulous time watching her do it!
It did occur to me after the fact that maybe this wasn't a good idea for me to let her do it. Her mom also knits and hopefully she won't think that it's always ok to mess with yarn this way. But isn't she cute??? (and yes, I did purchase the yarn that she messed up.....) Now that I think about it, her mom and aunt were there too and nobody stopped me, so SURELY it was ok. ;)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Loni's Birthday Card

I completely forgot to upload the card I made for Loni's birthday!
Look really close at the heart and see the little kitty faces. Loni dearly loves her two cats so I thought this stamp would be perfect for her. Unfortunately I have no idea who made the stamp as I bought it unmounted at a stamp convention about ten years ago.
I'm pleased with how it came out and am glad I actually got it made in time! :)
Monday, June 09, 2008
Wii Had a Wii Bit of Fun!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Indy How I Love Thee!

Throwing in a random thought here because my blog titled reminded me of it. Yes we did go on opening weekend to see the new Indiana Jones movie and yes I thoroughly enjoyed it. When they first played the famous theme music I couldn't help but smile and settle in to enjoy the ride.
We've been to many Nascar races out at TMS and one of the things that was really cool about the Indy race was that during driver introductions the drivers walk down THROUGH THE STANDS and out to their cars! This is how close we were to E.J. Viso and that was awesome. And after the race they actually open the fence and let all the fans down in the pit/garage area to walk around and see the cars. Unfortunately it was already very late and Lynne' had to be at work early this morning, so we left. The good part about that is now we've saved something to look forward to next time. :)
And of course, the--<>--

Monday, June 02, 2008
Saturday With Brooklyn