1. Brooklyn! Getting to have our granddaughter spend an entire weekend with us last weekend was truly a highlight. We took her to a local festival, the library, the park and just had fun playing at the house. She is such a joy and I am so blessed that the kids live close enough that I sometimes get to keep her like that.
We also played a little game with my sunglasses. I keep them in a drawer in a jewelry chest and I've pulled out the one pair I'd prefer not to be played with. The others I mostly purchased when I went shopping a couple of years ago with friends Jeanie and Dawn and we had the best time in a little shop that sold cheapie sunglasses. So no worries about a 2 year old playing with them. Anyway...last weekend she'd get a handful of them out and sit on my bed with me. I realized just how fast little ones pick up some of the phrases we use. She'd put a pair on and I'd say "Look at you!" After a bit she decided to put them on me. She'd get them on my face, sit back and say "Look atchew!" and draw the chew part of the word out with quite a drawl. I got to laughing so much and then so did she.
2. Last night I went to my first Stitch n Lit Book Club meeting and had such a delightful time! This group shares needlework, whether it be knitting, crochet, cross stitch or whatever and reads a book each month that has some sort of stitching theme. It's a pretty small group, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ladies there. And I have always wanted to be in a book club!
3. BSF! I will admit that the questions each week are far more challenging than any Bible Study I've ever done. But honestly that is not a bad thing to stretch the mind and see what I can do. I was doing part of my study last Sunday night after Brooklyn left and Keith came by at one point and I told him I couldn't figure out one of the questions. I explained it at all to him and he sat silently for a moment, then said "You know Elizabeth, there are Bible scholars that spend their entire lives figuring out the Bible. It's ok if you find things you don't understand. If you knew it all there would be no need to go to a study." I do love this man so much! His wisdom blesses me continually.
4. The changing season. I think at the beginning of each season I make the statement that "this is my favorite season" and fall is no exception. The cooler weather, more coffee, pumpkin desserts, fall candles and fall decorations all just make me feel giddy. And my absolute favorite candy ever is candy corn, so I love that there are so many decorations that include their image. Which reminds me of the 1.25 socks that I have knitted with candy corn colored yarn and the fact that they still aren't done for this fall. But that's not what the focus of Friday Fave #4 is - the focus is the changing season! :)
5. An understanding husband! There are a couple of travel opportunities for me next year and so far he has said yes to every one of them. I'm not going to give a bunch of details yet as I haven't decided for sure which ones I'm going to do, but I want to give focus to a great husband here.
If you'd like to read more Friday Fave Fives go to Susanne's blog - Living to tell the Story - and click on the links. Such an uplifting thing to do! :)
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for dropping by my blog - glad you enjoyed the hydrangea - I've been reading through a bit of your blog. Your husband Keith sounds like a real sweetheart. wise words regarding the Bible study. and your little granddaughter is adorable. I have 3 married children but no grandbabies yet - I looking forward to that "full circle" :)
Many blessings
Wonderful Faves that show the many blessings you enjoy in your life!
great list.
I've been thinking of joining a quilting group lately. of course I have no idea how to make a quilt but I think it would be interesting.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Love the idea of a needlework and book club! Enjoy!!
It sounds like you had a very fun time with your granddaughter! So sweet!
I totally get the giddy feeling of fall! :v)
Glad you had such fun with Brooklyn. She's adorable. And doubly glad you have such an understanding and kind husband! God is good.
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