I've always believed there are no coincidences, so when this book arrived from Thomas Nelson Publishers just two days after my truck was stolen I immediately flipped through the chapters. Most notable to me at that time was the chapter "Fear of Violence" and I eagerly read through it. Rather than fill out the chapter with words I've heard a hundred times, Max Lucado starts off with this Bible verse - "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." - Matthew 10:28. I do realize that auto theft is a far cry from true violence, but I will also admit to feeling fear in the aftermath of the theft. Reading this chapter and specifically this verse helped me in so many ways to deal with my emotions.
I very highly recommend this book as it is not an overbearing "learn to deal with it" type of a book. The tone in Max Lucado's book is like that of a friend giving advice and being able to back it up with scripture.
Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors. I need to pick back up on my devotional reading and this may be a good one to start with. My daughter and I very much appreciate your book reviews.
I enjoy Max Lucado's books and this one looks great! I will have to add it to my reading list. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!
I did a blog review on the same book for Thomas Nelson. I love getting free books and then passing them on.
I can't believe how many people are posting about that book. i love his books so i will have to get it. How do you get to be one of the people that gets sent a book to review?
Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I hope you will be encouraged and blessed.
I love Max Lucado 's writings.
Haven't bought any new books for a while. have to put this one on my list.
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