Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Girls Are Free!

So after work today we went to pick up my truck from the dealer repair place...again. It was in the shop last week and they couldn't get the part in time, so they told us to drop it off again. This time they called Keith and said the part they got in was not good, so come pick it up and bring it back some time next week. I'm no longer amused at this. And I suspect that they aren't all that interested in whether or not I'm amused.....

But while we were at the dealer a rather strange thing happened. Keith and I were standing in the service bay waiting for them to bring the truck around and 'the girls' suddenly felt as though they'd been set free. In case you didn't get that, I could tell that the strap across my back had come undone. Ahem. So I calmly told Keith I was going to find a bathroom, all while crossing my arms across my chest.

This is what you get when you wear your backup br@ out in public. I know there is a little problem with the hook and eye on this one, so I usually only wear it when I'm sitting at home. But off we went before I had time to remember what I was wearing.

I am so happy that this happened while nobody else was around. It's hard to feel stylin' when the girls are more droopy than perky.

Good times.....


Le Bleu Bonnet Boutique said...

LOL!!! I am busting as this one. Too funny!!! "Just a swingin"
Darn those chocolate cupcakes. I can see them down below as I write this post. I think I am going to have to go and buy the ones in the store as I know mine will not be as good as yours cause I stink at making cupcakes.

valerie said...

That's too funny!

Renna said...

LOL! I cracked up at the title of your post!

I live with a semi-phobia of this happening, so much so that I always carry a safety pin in my purse for this very reason. I've never had it happen, but I stay prepared, anyway. ;-)