Friday, May 06, 2011

Happy 5th Anniversary to My Son and Daughter-In-Law!

Well my word I cannot believe that five years have gone by!  I remember the day so clearly and all the happiness and joy we felt.  Here’s one of my favorite pictures from that day:



Tonight they are going to some swanky restaurant to celebrate. We are going to get Brooklyn and she is spending the night with us! Still not entirely sure what we are going to do with her, but really it takes so little to make all three of us happy that there is no stress involved. Right now I’m kind of leaning towards taking dinner to the park for a picnic and then letting her play on the playground, but we’ll see.

*contented sigh for the happiness of these two*

"The miracle of love is like the miracle of a flower, it thrives upon the sunshine of a entwines itself around the heart. Its roots are secured in the memories of yesterday and its petals breathe the promise of joy-filled tomorrows. To be loved is to know happiness and contentment. To give love is to know the joy of sharing oneself. It is through the miracle of love that we discover the fullness of life."

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