Saturday, August 05, 2006

Celebrating Friendship

Yesterday while getting ready to travel and trying to get my thoughts straight I had a some friend blessings. I had a couple of friends call and just let me talk, which is what I needed to do most. It felt so good to share stories of Grandma and they were kind enough to listen, not interrupt and just murmur responses. What a blessing and gift it is to be able to do that! I will always treasure these friends. And then in the afternoon I got a call from another friend, who then came and picked me up, we went to Sonic for drinks (though she did tease me on my choice!) and then off to a hobby shop for a brief oasis. Again, kindness and laughter like this was what I needed and a gift to celebrate in this friend.

Now I'm off to try and get some of this house picked up since the housecleaning fairies didn't come in during the night again. I'm finding you just really cannot depend on those little fairies... :)

~ Elizabeth

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