Wanted to share the tin of Christmas treats I took the neighbors this year. Each house got a tin and a handmade Christmas card. Our neighborhood is going through some changes right now and we're getting more families with young children and babies on the way. One neighbor has a son the same age as Brooklyn. They are all very delightful, but I do admit it makes me feel old...
This pillowcase is one of the gifts we gave to Keith's mom. We saw the KIT at a local quilt shop and thought the fabric looked just like her. She's a very happy person, always laughing and she adores all sorts of bug fabric, including butterflies. I worked on this and of course made an error, which meant I got to use my trusty friend Mr. Seam Ripper. Finished and so happy with the results. The funny part was when she opened it she thought we'd gotten her some butterfly fabric. Keith pointed out it was a pillowcase and she smiled and set it aside. The lightbulb came on later and she asked if I made it, then she got it back out to look over more carefully. She was stunned and amused to hear that I had used a pattern for a pillowcase and this started quite a discussion between my mother-in-law (a quilter extraordinaire), sister-in-law (who made exquisite tote bags for each of us - note to self: need to post a picture) and I about whether or not patterns are necessary when quilting or if it's better to wing it. We all were laughing quite a bit at the different way we each approached this.
This year we finally got back to playing games again. The picture above shows mother-in-law, Loni, Lynne' and sister-in-law Rhonda while we were playing Cranium. LOADS of fun and it was interesting to see what each person's "gift" was as far as charades, drawing, singing or spelling. Keith and I were talking about the games after we got home and we remember when the kids were little and we'd visit his family we'd always play games until the wee hours of the morning after the kids went to bed. Not sure when we got away from it, but after playing at Christmas I realized just how much I miss it.
We also played Cranium and Uno Attack when we were at my mom's house and again, I don't know whey we don't do it more often. It's fun to just laugh and have a good time together.
While playing Uno Attack back at Keith's folks house James took Miss B over to great grandma's organ and let her play. I swear this child will end up doing something musical or dance because she LOVES music. The minute she hears it she starts moving her shoulders to the beat and it just makes me laugh every time.
Good times.....
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.
One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. - Psalm 145:3-4
1 comment:
I love the tin of goodies you make for the neighbors; how nice!
Cranium is fun; I can manage any of the catagories except singing and humming. Who knew humming could be so hard?? LOL
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