Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Tis But A Memory
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Second-Best Dinner Rolls in the Universe - I Hope!

“Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts.” - James Beard
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Simple Embossed Card
Since time was a factor - the package was ready to go to the post office and I like to do that before it gets dark - I reached for my embossing tools again. This card literally took all of about 5 minutes to make and I'm quite pleased with it. I'm thinking about doing a set of them just to have on hand.
(card recipe: Lasting Impressions embossing template, Score-It for the outer square.)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Preparing for Thanksgiving

We have turned downright chilly here in Texas. Goodbye flip flops, capris and t-shirts and hello jeans, clogs and long sleeve tops. Goodbye Cheerios, hello oatmeal.
I look outside and see all the leaves on the ground and toy with the idea of bagging them. But Miss B will be here tomorrow and one of the things we enjoy is going outside and stomping on the leaves. Time enough later to do the work - I'm going to leave them out there for my grandbaby to have fun with.
This week has been filled with getting the house ready for guests next week. Like most people, I do a little extra cleaning before having people over. I think I've lost my mind a little this time though because yesterday I pulled most everything out of my kitchen cabinets and scrubbed the insides. Because, you know, that's what guests do is check out the inside of your kitchen cabinets.
So does everybody get a case of spring fever in the fall? I do like to get my home clean before bringing out the Christmas decorations. And the insides of my kitchen cabinets are indeed ready to be decorated.
"You prepare a table for cup overflows." - Psalm 23:5
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
CFBA - White Christmas Pie

This year Wanda also publishedA Sister's Hope

Abandoned by his father, Will Henderson was raised by an Amish couple. Now he's about to marry Karen Yoder but is having second thoughts. Can Will overcome the bitterness of his past in order to secure his future? Karen cannot break through the barrier her fiance has suddenly constructed around his heart. When she seeks the advice of an old boyfriend, Will begins to see green. Has he already lost his chance for happiness?
When an accident threatens Will's life, the strength of blood ties is tested. Will a recipe for White Christmas pie contain the ingredients for a happily-ever-after?
If you would like to read the first chapter of White Christmas Pie, go HERE
I made a promise to myself when I started reviewing books that I would always be honest. And I have to say that I just had a really hard time reading through this book. I don't know if it just isn't a style of book I prefer or what it was, but I found myself skimming just so that I could say that I finished it. I was disappointed that I couldn't get into the story as I am fascinated by the Amish people and the premise of the book was good. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to try another of Ms. Brunstetter's book sometime and perhaps I might enjoy it more.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window...fall is definitely here. We have a cool breeze with a nip in the air and a when a neighbor just walked down the street I heard the sound of rustling leaves with his every footstep.
I am thinking...of how happy I am that Thanksgiving will be at my house this year. I dearly love having my family all together.
I am thankful traditions and the promise of joy at the holidays. I love the sound of laughter and teasing when we all get together and truly enjoy having family and friends in my home.
From the learning rooms...I’m on the final leg of my class this semester. I’m still undecided whether to take a class the spring semester or spend more time learning my camera. So much to learn and experience in this beautiful world of ours!
From the kitchen...up until a bit ago there was not a thing exciting in there. But Keith came home from work happy to inform me that today is National Bread Baking Day (or something like that) and who am I to argue? Right now my home smells simply divine with a loaf of bread baking in the oven.
I am wearing...jeans, t-shirt and flip flops
I am creating...I’ve been pulling out necessary tools and papers to make a sympathy card for a friend that just lost her father.
I am going...I actually have no “going” plans for a bit! Strange feeling since I tend to be on the go quite a bit.
I am Bible and my school book. Right now I’m between books.
I am hoping...that I can get everything done in time for the holidays! But if not, I’m ok with that too. My family is so wonderful about saying “Be all right” if things don’t go according to plan and we just switch to Plan B.
I am hearing...the tv while Keith watches a movie. Not sure which one.
Around the house...oh the mess! We’re pulling stuff out everywhere and rearranging and cleaning and tidying. But I’ll bet by the weekend it will be spit spot and we can relax and enjoy.
One of my favorite a moment with the husband. As we go about our evening and sometimes we’re in different parts of the house pursuing our interests, it’s always nice to see him pop in to tell me something. Or I’ll go out in the garage just to let him know the bread went in the oven. Small moments in time that we will always treasure.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I’ll be spending some time getting the official menu written down, then pull a shopping list out of that. I have a couple of cards to make and get in the mail and I want to work on finishing Brooklyn’s sweater.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Homemade Sandwich Bread
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Red Scarf Project Complete
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my is storming to beat the band. I am loving it because I am inside warm and dry and our lake levels are slowly going down. God is so merciful to send the rain our way.
I am thinking...believe it or not about a garden next year. I know next to nothing about gardening, so I've been doing some research and planning so that I can be ready. Nothing in the world like homegrown tomatoes.
I am thankful family and friends. I have so many wonderful people in my life. And Saturday night I talked to my cousin on the phone for one and a half hours! Oh the talking and laughing we did. =)
From the learning rooms...needing to go in there and finish reading a chapter and get some homework turned in, but it's much more fun to post on my blog and go and visit others. ~ sigh ~
From the kitchen...many a chocolate chip cookie was made yesterday as I baked for the troops. I got them mailed today and Keith and I have decided this will be an ongoing monthly event in our household.
I am wearing...jeans, t-shirt, hoodie and....socks and tennies! It's just a little too cool for my flip flops right now.
I am creating...I pulled my socks back out and am knitting on them again. Sock knitting is probably my favorite. I have also begun my quilted Christmas tree skirt!
I am bed very soon! Tired today and hearing the rain makes me want to snuggle into my covers.
I am book right now. Will begin another novel after I finish a chapter of school work - kind of a reward I suppose.
I am hoping...that a funny new "weight loss" program will work for me. I just am not motivated right now to join WW again, even though I know it works very well. But a group of friends and I started today taking a picture of everything we eat. Everything. And each day we will share the photos from the day before. Really this should work along the same lines as WW as it's all based on accountability. Might sound silly, but when I got the email from a friend asking me to join them I was intrigued.
I am hearing...the wonderful soothing sound of rain, along with the a large clap of thunder every now and then. The cat ran under the bed when the first thunder shook our house.
Around the house...I need to dust! Funny how that just sort of sneaks up on you!
One of my favorite watching Keith play with the Wii. He laughs and will play the same thing over and over and over until he is satisfied with his score.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Let's see....Thursday night is knitting guild, Friday night is stamp club and then IHOP for dinner! It should be a good week. =)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
If you enjoyed this you'll probably enjoy reading some of the many other ladies that have participated. Just click here and you'll find the index to the other blogs.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Operation Baking Gals
Friday, November 07, 2008
CFBA - Out of Her Hands

Belle who seems to find her way into my novels. My resume will tell you I graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh with a degree in Communications, and after graduation I worked as a radio and television reporter, freelance writer, editor and marketing professional.
I'm a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and am assistant director of Words For The Journey, Rocky Mountain Region.
But what's most important to know about me is that I am a follower of Jesus, wife, mother, friend, reader and writer.
Life’s a journey, enjoy the adventures!

If you would like to read the first chapter of Out Of Her Hands, go HERE
"No sophomore slump for DiMaria! This novel (Out of Her Hands) is as engaging and meaningful as her first, Searching for Spice. Her realistic portrayal of the characters' lives should endear them to readers and help Christians to feel less alone in their daily trials."
~Romantic Times Magazine, 4 ½ stars TOP PICK!
“Life in Linda's world is messy...but filled with love, laughter, struggle and faith. Megan has created a most real heroine for us to love...and I adore her!”
~Deena Peterson, reviewer: A Peek at my Bookshelf
“Megan DiMaria crafts a novel so compelling, so real, you forget you're reading fiction.”
~Darcie Gudger, reviewer: TitleTrakk
"This is a great read for a quiet afternoon or in those times when you feel your own life spinning out of control and need the reality check of knowing you're not in it alone."
~Amazon reviewer
From the moment I saw the cover this book called to me. It just looked like fun. And it was fun. Linda has so many things happening at one time in her life that I kept wanting to hand her some bubble bath and tell her to go and relax in a hot tub. Unfortunately in life it's not quite that easy to take care of our problems.
My one complaint about the book is the amount of time that Linda spends directing her college age son in what to do. I started to get the feeling that maybe he spent so much time away from the house just to get away from her! But honestly she's doing everything out of love and a feeling of helplessness as she sees the life she once had and loved slip out of her grasp.
This was a fun, light read that left me thankful for my quiet life. :)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Grandparent Life Lessons
Monday, November 03, 2008
The Simple Woman's Daybook

For today...
Outside my window...a beautiful, perfect fall day complete with a breeze with just a hint of cool in it.
I am thinking...about the election tomorrow. I've read much and prayed even more and mostly I'm just wanting for me to be able to honestly say from the heart "Thy will be done" when it is over.
From the learning rooms...I need to turn in a chapter assignment and get a unit test completed by the end of the week. Have I mentioned that I'm taking an online college course this semester - my first in 23 years?
I am thankful amazing husband. He does so much for me to show his love and sometimes I get giddy as a school girl thinking of him. Seriously.
From the kitchen...We had really, really good grilled hamburgers yesterday when the family was over, so we are having leftovers for dinner tonight. We are trying to be better stewards of all that God has blessed us with.
I am usual work at home clothes - capris, t-shirt and Crocs flip flops. :)
I am reading...Out of Her Hands by Megan DiMaria, which will be reviewed on my blog later this week.
I am hoping...that I will be able to get all the crafts done that I am planning for the near future!
I am oddball pet snuggle. These are similar to the baby blanket I posted a bit ago where several of us knit part of a blanket. The pet snuggles are donated to local animal shelters to line the cages.
I am golden retriever play with his squeaky toy - over and over and over that thing is squeaking, so he is obviously having a grand time!
Around the house...I am slowly but surely getting some decluttering done. I'm hoping to get the office/scrapbook room done before the holidays set in and I've made tremendous progress.
One of my favorite sitting on the couch with Keith and watching a movie together. And while watching a movie I've always go handwork as I can't sit still that long without something to do.
A few plans for the rest of the week...dinner with some friends, more organizing (will it ever be finished?), scrapbooking Friday night with friends and hopefully several trips to the park with the husband and dog.
Here is a picture thought I'm sharing with you...
My birthday cake!
To see more Simple Woman's Daybook entries please visit The Simple Woman.
"I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live, May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord." - Psalm 104:33-34