Ronda T., not sure if you can see them in the picture, but those are the stitch markers you gave me (at the beginning and end of the row)! Thanks - I love them!
I have a smile a mile wide now and a skip in my heart. :)
All the gifts were red, white and blue and we all wore patriotic colors as well. It was just so nice to see a positive celebration of America.
"Ask not what your country can do for you…Ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy
Speaking of Knit n Nosh, this is the first time I've been in about 6 weeks and I quite enjoyed it. I was saddened to discover that Kathy's elderly Irish Setter has passed away. He was a retired show dog and gorgeous. I have a soft spot in my heart for Irish Setters since that was the first dog Keith and I got and this one was such a sweetheart.
But there is still a dog at the house - Kathy's mom is living with her and has a little bitty dog that just had her first birthday. That dog can be quite a pill at knit night! We've all learned to keep our purses zipped up lest Dixie grab things and run. Last night I had my knit bag on the floor when we were all in the kitchen getting drinks. Came back and she had snagged a small ball of yarn out of my bag that had been patiently waiting to be more socks for Brooklyn. It actually was pretty funny - she must've run in and out of all the table legs because all we could do was stand there and stare when we entered the room! Yarn was woven everywhere - and of course it was one of the very few times I wasn't sporting a camera. We managed to retrieve all the yarn....and Dixie was banned to her crate. ;)
One book at a time? Or more than one? If more, are they different types/genres? Or similar? (We’re talking recreational reading, here—books for work or school don’t really count since they’re not optional.)
I usually have a couple of books going, though they are different genres and formats. I have a novel to read (just dug through my work schlep bag and I forgot my book at home, so can't share what I'm reading right now), some sort of self-improvement or devotional book and I listen to a book while I'm working. Right now I'm feeling pretty hip since my book is on my MP3 player instead of a cd. Yeah, it's the little things. :)
I do know what I'm listening to on the MP3 player - The Friday Night Knitting Club. I've heard both good and bad about the book, but will say that I'm enjoying it as an audiobook.
I've been working on decluttering stuff around the house and almost didn't get this bottle. But I realized that when I have people over I really can use this and it will look so nice on the table. And seeing it in use will make me smile.
I called mom to tell her about this bottle and she was telling me about the Log Cabin syrup tin bottle. I've seen them at flea markets and antique shops, but I just didn't fancy them as well. The difference is that mom remembers the tins with fondness.
Isn't it fun how different things can strike different people?
(And as an aside, Keith really got a kick out of me taking a picture of this bottle!)
Oh and Brooklyn slept through the entire garage sale experience. Clearly she was not impressed with whole idea!
Last night I made Black Bottom Cupcakes to bring to work. The recipe and request was sent to me from a girl in another department, along with a note that they had let me get by without bringing cupcakes for a bit to let me bond with the grandbaby, but enough was enough! LOL! I was tickled and touched by the note, so of course I made them. Keith and I shared the "trial cupcake" while watching Damages last night (yeah, I'm hooked on another tv show!). We thought these were VERY good, so now to see what the workmates think.
This little gem came in the mail yesterday and I feel so hip and cool now! This means I can now put away the 8 track player and join the twentieth century. ;) I've thought about getting an mp3 player/ipod for quite a while and just wasn't sure if I'd use it enough to justify the cost. A friend sent me the link to this one on buy.com last week. It's refurbished and was only $14.99 and no shipping! This will be a very inexpensive way to see if it's something I'll use. Keith loaded two of my favorite "albums" on it last night and a couple of podcasts, so I'm set for today. Of course, I had to ask one of the girls at work this morning how to turn it on, but I'll get it all figured out eventually.
"Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting" - Unknown
Last night Loni, Brooklyn and I went up to Hobby Lobby to get a couple more things for the announcements and naturally I brought my camera. I mean really, this being her first Hobby Lobby trip and all, what's a Grandma to do??? You can see in the picture though that the scrapbooking supplies didn't do much to excite her. And I should've gotten a better picture of just her since she had on an adorable little pink outfit that had a Winnie the Pooh on it, accompanied by sweet little pink shoes.
We next headed to the yarn section - naturally - so that I could pick up a couple of skeins of Simply Soft to start another baby blanket. Apparently yarn wasn't very exciting either! As many knitters as we have in this family I figure it's just a matter of time though.