I do love this quote that Rhonna gave us - it felt empowering to me. So far so good on the "movin' and groovin' and I've done something every single day now - 5 in a row - woohoo! LOL!
A similar thing happened this morning before work when I took Joe for a walk. On another block I suddenly smelled a beautiful fragrance and looked around to discover the source. I never did locate it, but it put a smile on my face for the rest of my walk.
About smiles - yesterday at work I had my usual breakfast of instant oatmeal in a styrofoam cup, eaten with a hot pink plastic spoon. Some of the girls there teased me about the flashy spoon and I explained that Party City had their tableware on sale and I got several packages in pretty colors for only 87 cents for 25 spoons. I told them that eating oatmeal in the middle of the day with a spoon of a beautiful color brings a smile to my face and that is worth it.
And in the midst of all the smiling and sweet fragrances comes a huge disturbance in my friendships and personal life. I have always handled strife and confrontations in the same manner - I bury my head in the sand or take the Scarlet O'Hara approach (I'll think about it tomorrow). Perhaps that is wrong, but I firmly believe that words spoken in anger are the hardest words to take back. And it is not serving me well this time around.
Health-wise - the x-rays from last Friday have still not been "interpreted" and the nurse this morning said she'd call me as soon as they had the results. I've been doing searches on the internet for the new infusion therapy I might be facing and so far, other than the obvious frightening aspects, all the outcomes look very, very good. Perhaps I'll just have to remember to bring sweet smelling flowers and pretty pink tableware when I go the first time. :)
~ Elizabeth
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3
~ Elizabeth
Two angels met one day in heaven above, two kindred souls, attuned to perfect bliss. Attracted by subtle powers of love, lips greeted lips, and thus was born a kiss. And since that time on earth as in heaven, whenever faithful lovers meet or part, fond lips touch lips; a fervent kiss is given, that seals the vows of each devoted heart. - unknown
This was the first knitting lunch I've spent in quite some time and I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoy them. I take my lunch to a nearby park, open the windows and enjoy the day. It's almost like stolen moments in the middle of a workday.
All I accomplished on Saturday was some serious socializing and extreme laughter, along with making Keith's birthday card and getting some rubber stamps mounted. Sunday though I worked on and almost have completed my 8x8 Christmas album from last year! Apparently retreat weekends work very well for me because there's plenty of time to talk and laugh and yet plenty more time to be productive.
This awesome scene of the cross by the lake was about 6:15 Sunday morning. I'm sure I looked a sight shuffling down there with my cameras and wearing my pj's, but it was oh so worth it.
~ Elizabeth
"Time spent with friends is the best time of all." - Unknown
I'm kind of on a roll lately with cooking disasters. Late yesterday afternoon I put a pumpkin bread in the oven since it's one of Keith's favorite. I decided it would be a nice treat for him to have a piece after church last night. Unfortunately, the center was not cooked and the edges burned. I really think that Paula Deen has no worries about me going after her job.
Tonight after work I'll be a busy little girl getting all my scrapbook stuff together for a retreat this weekend - my first! This one is pretty close to the house, so I'm not sure if I'll stay there overnight or if I'll come home to sleep. Either way, it will be great fun to spend time with friends and have no worries except for scrapbooking and eating! It's a strange feeling though as I don't think I've ever spent a weekend away from Keith just having fun with friends.
~ Elizabeth
"Believing in someone is the best kind of love." - unknown
I did this clipboard about a month ago at our monthly scrapbook/teaching meeting and finally remembered to post it! Altered clipboards are something that I always assumed were way too hard for me and I found out I was wrong! The teacher's clipboard used the corkboard in the lower right with pushpins and as a clipboard. She also put a post-it pad on the lower left and said it was hanging in her cube at work. I want it to hang in my crop room, so decided to go with more pictures than functionality. I also discovered that I had a blast working with pictures of the kids when they were young, so I think I need to start scrapbooking some of those pictures and bring the "fun" back to my layouts.
It also hit me for a new reason today that I will always have pets. Obviously I absolutely adore having them around, but they also help to keep a person humble. How in the world can we be arrogant when we constantly are having to clean up cat vomit or dog droppings? Something to ponder on. ;)
And Friday morning I have my routine rheumatological appointment and am hoping he can do something with my right arm (sounds like I'm hoping for him to delete it or something!). I'm now having to wear a brace on it at all times and that is rather restrictive. I miss knitting and while that might seem silly to some, for me it was very soothing to have the rhythm of the needles and such a great stress reliever. Maybe there will be a magic pill or shot and all will be well again.
Oh and I have truly discovered the secret to weight loss! Last night's dinner was a new to me casserole recipe from the internet and sweet cream biscuits from the Rachel Ray magazine. The biscuits were very good and the casserole I declared to be "yuck" after two bites and ate no more. So the simple secret is to only have foods that are "yuck" and you will eat less!!! LOL!
~ Elizabeth
"God will not look you over for medal, degrees or diplomas, but for scars." - Elbert Hubbard
It's strange to stop and realize that it's spring break right now. My baby being 20 means that spring break isn't nearly the thing it used to be. She is on spring break from college this week, but it doesn't really change her schedule all that much. I remember in years past scheduling vacation time during this week to spend with the kiddos and run them to the zoo and movies and picnics. These times they are a changin'!
((( Thursday Blogger 3.16.06 )))
Today's challenge questions really made me think - and that's a good thing!
1. The biggest enemy to creativity is unrealistic personal expectations. We are now blessed with so many ways of seeing and reading about our favorite hobbies - the internet, magazines, etc. And there are some truly inspired artists out there that can just make you breathe a sigh of pleasure when you see their work. The unwanted side affect of that is that I want everything I create to be just as beautiful and awe inspiring. Sometimes I sit in front of a blank piece of cardstock and just freeze rather than move forward. I want to create such beautiful things for my children and family to see and love. And it's easy to lose sight of the real reason I started doing this in the first place, which was to preserve our memories. I fell victim to this same thing in a hard way when I was quilting and I can't believe I'm doing it again. Note to self - work on this!
2. The only thing I know for sure about the creative process is that it's an ongoing personal process. I'm not sure I've yet found my own personal style in scrapbooking as there are so many that I like. And that's ok. When I am in the right frame of mind and scrapbooking for my family I get so much done and enjoy the creative process so much. And more often than not I'm very pleased with my results. I do look back on things I did a few years back and think what I should've done differently, but they still are pleasing to me and make me happy. And that should be my goal.
~ Elizabeth - who is feeling rather deep this morning!
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. - Psalm 119:11
Keith, Joe and I headed up to the lake on Saturday for some clean up. For some reason we always underestimate the time it will take us to do this each year. Keith and I raked and bagged leaves for five solid hours - and it's still not complete! We brought home about 15 bags of leaves (that's all that would fit in the back of the truck) and left at least that many at the side of the house there. It will all be worth it come summertime though.
And I actually started organizing the other half of the closet in the office/crop room on Sunday afternoon. I'm really looking forward to getting it all done - obviously! I have some power planning that I should be doing for a two day retreat next weekend, but I think it will be easier to get that all together when I've got everything in its place and am able to find things.
~ Elizabeth
I will be glad and rejoice in You! Psalm 9:2
Lynne' brought in this picture last night of Joe when he was just a baby. What a sweet little guy! It was fun to look through the pictures and see the plethora of skin he had then vs. the abundance of "plump" he has now.
And ever so barely I've started messing with my various crafts again! The room is a horrible mess right now and my personal deadline of getting it completely redone and organized before the start of summer is fast approaching. I know that once lake season hits I won't be around enough to do extra in there. But in the meantime we'll see what gets done.
I've started a Texas square for a community baby blanket. A lady in an online group I'm with is expecting her second grandchild and she asked us all to knit a square for her so that she could put it together as a blanket. What an absolutely brilliant idea! Our only parameters were to use Cotton Tots yarn, size 7 needles and whatever color we wanted. I cast on during lunch yesterday with grape yarn and have a good start on it. I really like knitting with Cotton Tots and made a charity baby blanket with it last summer after my surgery since the pattern required no thought. Then after we heard about this woman's grandbaby we discovered we had two moms to be with us, so two more squares. I really do love this idea and am happy to take part. It's also a nice, easy project to ease myself back into the crafting sphere.
~ Elizabeth
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. - Psalm 118:1
I did manage to work on some scrapbooking last night and my new plan of doing old pictures I think will be perfect. I pulled a box out of the closet labeled "Kids Before School" and Lynne' and I spent quite a bit of time going through them. So that will be my focus for awhile.
And I learned a new trick on Paint Shop Pro yesterday! I love the look of black and white photos where one thing is colored as a focus point and I did it - woohoo! Uploaded my new picture to Sams and went and picked it up last night and am just tickled pink over it.
~ Elizabeth
Yes you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!" - unknown