What we have here is a flat tire. Flatter than a pancake when seen in real life. And in a way it was kind of fitting and funny. I had one of those days at work where everything I touched did NOT turn to gold! Not a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day", just couldn't seem to get it together. So when I felt the truck acting funny shortly after leaving work I was pleased to see a gas station convenience store combo and pulled in. Walked around the truck and there it was. Bless Keith's heart, he didn't miss a beat when I called to tell him and before I knew he was pulling up to help me out. My beloved white knight. :)
On a brighter note, last night was Bible study of a sort. Our leader had a brilliant idea for us to meet at a local yum-o restaurant and just have a fellowship time instead of going over our homework. This really was such a good idea and we had a great evening. During Bible study time you tend to get very deep and emotional and tell some of your most personal thoughts, so it's rather nice to know the ladies that hold your secrets in the palm of their hands. That aside, it was fun! We went to a latin restaurant and the menu was quite extensive. I narrowed my choice down to two and since one of them was marked with the heart smart symbol I decided to go with it. Oh so good and one of the side items was sliced grilled sweet potatoes. I love a good baked sweet potato, but I've not ever had them grilled before. Might be a foodie experiment in the making.
Since I went straight to the restaurant from work I had a little time to kill. Fortunately for me there is a Container Store right there...oh be still my heart!
One of my "score!" purchases was this E-Z Freezer Cereal On The Go container. I've had a pink one for several years and used to use it for my morning break at work. Keith recently decided to try it for his morning break and never once complained about the hot pink color. Unfortunately the freezer goo is starting to leak, so I was happy to finally find another one.
It's really a clever contraption - the bottom part twists off and you freeze it overnight. In the morning fill it with milk, fill the top part with raisin bran and there's a spoon that tucks into the very top. Believe it or not it keeps the milk cold enough that there are little ice crystals throughout.
And with that I'm headed to bed. Hopefully everybody remembered to go to Sonic tonight for the free root beer float. We did - after working out first, naturally. ;)
Good times..............
Enjoyed reading your blog today..still finding my way around blogland....I always love making new friends..I am posting about Disney so hope you will stop by. Commenting automatically puts you in the drawing for the June giveaway.
Love when our husbands are right there to rescue us!!! Sounds like my kind of bible study!! Great cereal container too!!! Missed the rootbeer float, but I did have a yummy snowcone strawberry with extra, extra cream!!! Summer is here and lots of fun treats to eat!!! Good thing we both exercise!!
Hope you're doing well. Been there with the flat tire...know what that's like. Sounds like your bible study is outstanding. Keep us posted. Take care and have a great weekend.
Ginger :)
Sounds like you had a very fun night with your Bible study friends. I love sweet potatoes too.....and I've never had them grilled either. Bet they were yummy!
I forgot all about Sonic's free root bear float night!!!
I've heard so many people talk about it. :(
What a neat container. I've never seen something like this before. That is so cool!
I'll be gone this whole week to camp.
I won't have a computer for a whole week!
I will surely be playing catch-up for weeks.
If you don't mind, please keep our group in your prayers. It'll be fun!
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