Sunday, May 15, 2011

SSMT Week 10


“…and do not give the devil a foothold.”

Ephesians 4:27

The memory verse I’ve chosen for this week is actually part of a series of verses.  This morning during the sermon our pastor was talking about how we need to put aside our old selves and become new as Christians.  He showed a clip from a popular movie, though he didn’t say which one, of a young man rock climbing.  He slid down the rock face and caught the very edge of a rock with his fingertips and was able to hold on.  Pastor said this is all Satan needs in our lives in order to gain a foothold.   Illustrations like these are so powerful and I’m sure this will stay with me a while.  And gave me the perfect verse for memorization.

This is my Verse #10 for Beth Moore’s Siesta Scripture Memory Team.

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