Today I get to go to garage sales with Loni and Brooklyn and I can't wait. Loni and I love going and of course took a brief hiatus for the birth of the baby. But today we decided to try again for a few. I just checked my little weather forecast thingy and it's supposed to reach 105 degrees today, so we won't have our usual long list of prospects to hit today. Loni did the research and found some sales that listed some things we're interested in and I printed maps last night (well, since it was about 1:00 am I suppose that was really also this morning).
We don't have a set time to go - we decided to just let Brooklyn decide. So I'm enjoying my coffee and knitting on a baby blanket for a friend. I love the peace of early morning and decided to run outside and document the rising sun. I'm sure I looked a sight if anybody peaked into my backyard and saw me standing in my nightgown with a camera pointed at the sky!
So we'll see what little Brooklyn says about saling. Grandpa has already said we can bring her back by and he'll take care of her if she decides she's not interested. I love that man.
"Grandmas are antique little girls." - Unknown
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