~ Elizabeth
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures." - Irish proverb
~ Elizabeth
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures." - Irish proverb
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive. - Anäis Nin
This morning while driving to work I looked over and saw it sitting there, which brought a smile to my face (even if it is red rather than pink!). It occurred to me how much we take for granted in life. I know without a shadow of doubt that I will have lunch each and every day. On the rare occasions that we run late in the morning or forget to buy bread, even then it's not a crisis as I'll just go out that day for lunch. And you think of the people worldwide that have so very little, while we enjoy so much.
So may the lunchboxes in our lives always be filled with healthy, delicious foods and may we always remember to be thankful for that.
~ Elizabeth
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering. - St. Augustine
Another challenge that I decided to take part of! Every Friday we are to post our "WIP's" - Works In Progress. I decided not to picture everything I've started as all those pictures would probably not fit on my camera's memory card! These are the items that I'm actually working on right now:
* Christmas 2005 Scrapbook
* Pink scarf to donate
* 5 Hour Baby Sweater
* Cat embroidery panel that will become a pillow (probably) when done
The swelling has gone down in my face today, so hopefully I won't look like an ogre all weekend. I almost didn't walk this morning with Joe since I did hurt myself yesterday, but realized that there really wasn't any reason NOT to walk, so off we went - and all went well. My brother told me yesterday that from now I have to wear a bicycle helmet and down vests for my walks, but I threw caution to the wind this morning and went without.
J&L came over last night with Keith's father's day present since the weekend will be busy. Really quite cool - they got him a picnic backpack! When we went to the Dallas Arboretum on Mother's Day we had mentioned that we would like to start taking picnics out there and just enjoying it, obviously when it's cooler again. This backpack has the dishes, utensils, blanket and a place to put a beverage bottle - great idea!
And their offer on the house was accepted, so looks like they will be homeowners soon! Very exciting and stressful time for them right now. I can't wait til they get in the house and can start their new lives there. :)
~ Elizabeth
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:3
Yesterday at work one of the ladies was talking to me about gardening and plants in general. Bless her heart, she's new and doesn't know the reputation I have with killing plants. Anyway, I did gently tell her that I know nothing, so she's decided to educate me on the subject. One of her tips was to pour coffee on your rosebush because they really like something in it and they will grow fuller, have bigger and better smelling flowers, etc. This morning I noticed the last few cups of coffee in the pot and since it's getting so hot outside now I don't drink as much and end up pouring it out. But the lightbulb went on in my head and I trekked out to the far end of the backyard (I say that like we have this huge yard or something, rather than your basic city lot) holding the coffeepot. I approached the rosebush warily and poured the coffee at the base - only to see quite a bit of steam billow up from it. I suppose the part of the instructions she DIDN"T tell me - and assumed I would just know on my own - was that you let the coffee cool first. I think I might have boiled my rosebush alive. :(
We had our last Bible Study last night on the Davinci Code and I know I will miss it. Next Wednesday night our church reserved two screens at a theater and we'll all go see it. This happens to be one of our favorite theaters as they serve dinner while you watch the movie and they have wonderfully comfortable leather chairs that lean back. So it's pizza, popcorn and movie night. :) Last night's lesson was on symbols and architecture and honestly we don't really talk about the book all that much - it's mostly used as a jumping off point for discussions. We have learned so much each week and the three of us have had some great conversations on the way home afterwards. Yeah, I'll really miss it.
~ Elizabeth
I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day. - Abraham Lincoln
Speaking of pictures, the 5 of us headed to our church last night for Olan Mills night. The church is putting together a pictoral directory, which means of course the free 8x10. The pictures came out fabulous and I won't even mention how much my free 8x10 - and then some - ended up costing me. But we haven't done a family portrait in at least 10 years and now we are 5, so it's time. I also have for the first time one of the larger pictures that looks like the painting on canvas and can't wait to have it hanging in its place of honor over the fireplace.
Yesterday was also Loni's birthday and James and Loni's one month anniversary! Because of the pictures we went out to eat on Monday night and gave her the gifts then as well. She picked a mexican restaurant that was soooo good and a then we all went to Fry's to do a little window shopping. While James and Keith were busy looking at boy stuff we all went over to look at the refrigerators for the new house that will soon be purchased! They went yesterday and have their preapproval letter, so now just need to find a house. Good times.....
~ Elizabeth
"Eating everything you want is not that much fun. When you live a life with no boundaries, there’s less joy. If you can eat anything you want to, what’s the fun in eating anything you want to?" - Tom Hanks, Esquire, June 2006
One of the coolest things we saw was on Friday when the lake was a little less crowded. There was an airplane with "those things on the bottom that make them float" (can't think of what they're called!) that few in and landed on the water. That was exciting enough to see, but shortly after we saw him take off as well. I don't know why, but that sort of thing is just thrilling to me.
And here's the latest picture of the lace scarf. I have learned SO MUCH from this lace pattern that Missy wrote! Saturday night we were relaxing and watching King Kong (finally - we are never cutting edge on our movie watching) and I was knitting lace at the same time. I ended up with an extra stitch, so just rearranged the pattern a bit to get rid of it. Then I know that I read to repeat those 34 rows twice more, but happened to glance down at the pattern after row 3 of the 3rd repeat and saw that it's just once more. Dilemma! Now the old Elizabeth would just frog the whole thing and start over, but I decided to try my hand at tinking the 3 rows - even if it was lace knitting. Amazingly I think I did ok! Whew - crisis averted. So I happily did the bind off - and discovered that my single stitch was on the wrong end! Hmm.... OK, well let's try my hand at un-binding off since I know I've heard it's possible. WooHoo - did it! Added another row of sl1, k and then did the bind off again and my stitch was at the right place. At this point I decided to go to bed as I'd had enough lace fun for one evening. Moral of the story - probably not a good idea to watch a movie while doing lace. LOL!
~ Elizabeth
I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. And what I can do, I ought to do. And what I ought to do, by the Grace of God, I shall do. - Edward Everett Hale
I can't post the pattern because of copyright, but the amazingly talented gal that wrote the pattern and is leading our KAL is Missy and if you scroll down a bit you'll see a photo of her completed purple scarf using this pattern.
Now I'm off to finish my morning routine as I'm running a little behind today....
~ Elizabeth
...for the joy of the LORD is your strength. - Nehemiah 8:10
The radio station this morning has been reporting that a church in one of the Dallas 'burbs had their air conditioning unit stolen. They've put up a big sign that reads "To the thieves that stole our air conditioner - you think it's hot here...." ;)
~ Elizabeth
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. - Proverbs 15:3