Once again no work on the house last night, but once again we all had a lot of fun. I stopped on the way home from work and got my hair trimmed, so that always makes me happy. Then Lynne' and I went to the mall and Best Buy, since she needed something there. While at Best Buy I got the new CD by Barry Manilow - The Greatest Songs of the Fifties - and a $5.99 CD that was 20 best of bluegrass gospel. Keith didn't care for the gospel one as he said it's too "hick" sounding, but I really like it. And the Barry Manilow one was strange - one side is a CD and the other side a DVD on how the album came to be. We watched the DVD, I went to wash my face and get ready for bed and I heard the Righteous Brothers version of Unchained Melody playing, which obviously Barry Manilow cannot ever match. I went into the office and we ended up singing, dancing and laughing to the song! Joe got all excited and tried his hardest to dance with us, but he didn't know the steps. Good times.....
This morning I'm not listening to either of my new CD's because I'm listening to the rain! Just when we were starting to despaire of ever having rain again, the Lord smiled upon us and sent some down. I'm thinking that perhaps there is a lesson on trust in here somewhere. : )
Tomorrow I'll be heading up the road to my monthly scrapbooking album class in Whitesboro - always a fun time. It shouldn't be too difficult to get ready for since I haven't unpacked the bag from last time since no scrapbooking has been done. That's exactly why I need to get this room more organized though is so that I can sit down and scrapbook or quilt. And maybe that's why I enjoy knitting so much. Since it is portable I can pick it up and do it anywhere. Anyway, after the class and probably after having lunch with friends I'll be heading farther on up the road to OKC to mom's house. Tomorrow night we'll be going to her knit shop for their sit and knit night, which should be fun. We'll also be working on a secret project on Sunday, having dinner with Gary and Michele Sunday night, then Monday we'll be going out to the cemetary to Daddy's grave site. Other than the obvious, it should be a good weekend.
~ Elizabeth
"But I trust in You, O Lord; I say, You are my God. My times are in your hand." Psalm 31:14-15
Love Manilow! Can't wait to get the cd today.
I enjoy candles too, though I have to be careful because if it is a strong flowery scent my allergies go haywire. The fruity scents are fine though and I don't sneeze. Also, my cat likes to play with the flame so the candles must be guarded at all times...
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