My little Joe is surely getting old. This was taken yesterday while he was sleeping on the bed with me. My real camera was in the other room, but luckily my cell phone is always by my side and I was able to get this picture of him.
Yesterday I wasn't feeling well, so didn't go to work. When I finally woke up late morning, in that brief three seconds or so before you're fully awake, I thought something was really wrong - I couldn't move my legs! I finished waking up though and discovered that I had a large golden retriever plastered against one side of me and a large cat on the other side, thereby cutting off any chance of leg movement on my part. It's good to feel loved. :)Loni has on a maternity shirt today for the first time and this makes me smile. I remember the first time I put on a maternity shirt and was so filled with joy that I wanted to share it with the world. I pray that she will always feel that joy.I did quite a bit of knitting yesterday on the 1 sock on 2 circs sock. I got the heel turned and started the gusset when I realized I had no idea at all how to do the gusset this method - and I was far too lazy to get up and look on the internet. So I basically made it up and have it almost finished! Today I'll see how it really is supposed to be done. I also have quite a yarn mess as the middle of my yarn cake came out and became a tangled wad. I have absolutely no patience for tangled yarn - none at all. I'm hoping I can eek out enough yarn to finish this sock before it becomes too bad because I'll end up tossing the project otherwise. What a shame... ;)The negative part of having animals that love me is that I was startled awake last night by the cat. Apparently there was something very scary for kitties, because he jumped up, ran in place across my face, hissing and puffing, then ran down the hall. Let me tell you that when this sort of thing happens you don't really just roll over and go right back to sleep!Tuesday night knitting with friends was really good. There were two new ladies that I thoroughly enjoyed and hope to get to know better. And two "old" (?) ladies that I already adore. Put it together and what have you got? A great, relaxing evening. I actually even got quite a bit of knitting done, too, which is rather unheard of for me!And that night Tasha gave me a square for my grandbaby blanket! The weather outside has been frightful, so no photo yet. Looks like it will probably be this weekend before I'm able to get a picture of it. There is no way to describe just how sweet I think this project is.I highly recommend the blog "Laced With Grace" for daily devotionals. I try to visit there every morning as they give me blessings and food for thought before getting on with my day.I keep thinking about the brunch we had at church last Sunday after service. It was catered by Chris Cakes and they were a hoot! Quite a production making the pancakes and then they would toss them at people standing on a rug that looked like a target! Too funny and all the kids loved it. The less adventurous people, like us, were served on plates.
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