Monday, December 28, 2009

Oklahoma Christmas Blizzard of ‘09

009 copy Sometimes things don’t go exactly as we plan.  That’s my Christmas in a nutshell.  :)  Our plan was to have the kids over on Christmas Eve morning for our family gifts, have lunch together, drive to Oklahoma City, attend church services, then eat and do presents at the in-law’s.  But mom called me Wednesday morning to say that a big snowstorm was on the way to OKC, so we kicked it into overdrive, did our family gifts while shoveling pizza for dinner, then drove to OKC Wednesday night to get there before the storm.

And I am so glad we did!  OKC ended up getting 14.1 inches of snow on Christmas Eve – an all time new record!  They actually called it a ground blizzard because the wind was blowing so hard and making big snow drifts.  Just south of the city there was a 50+ car pile-up due to the white out conditions.  It was so bad outside we weren’t even able to make it to church.  We did talk to Pastor the next day and he said that the candlelight service had 10 people there – and that counted him, the vicar and his son!

So on the plus side – we got there safe, we spent some quality time with the in-law’s and we really don’t get to see them often enough, we were warm and we had one heck of a white Christmas!  The negatives – we had a rushed family celebration before leaving, didn’t spend much time at all with my family, wasn’t able to get to my cousin’s house at all and of course the biggest negative was not being able to get to church.

But somehow things all work together for good, don’t they?  When we were at my mom’s house we were all laughing with my brother and sister-in-law about the Great Blizzard of Aught Nine….and then discovered the kids didn’t know that a zero could be called aught!  Yeah, we felt a little old at that point.

015 copy So here’s Brooklyn all bundled up for her first time in the snow.  When we went out on Christmas Eve day she greatly preferred staying on the porch out of the wind.  On Friday when there was no wind she did have fun.

019 copy This is my granddog Xena.  She loved the snow!  She ran from one end of the yard to the other.  And on Friday when we ventured out to start shoveling the driveway and walkways two neighbor dogs, also labs, came running down to play.  The three of them were so funny together, growling, chewing, jumping on each other.  Here she’s showing off one of her tricks – balancing things on her muzzle.  Of course, a snowball wasn’t as easy, but she managed!

039 Late at night on Christmas Eve my father-in-law got out the snowblower to make a path out to the travel trailer that my brother- and sister-in-law were staying in.  They had planned to leave from OKC and head west on vacation, but it got delayed a few days from the snow.  Look at how deep that snow is!

047 copy And this was one of the highlights for us southern folk – using the snowblower on Friday!  My in-law’s are originally from northern Minnesota, so when the came south they brought some of the northern toys along with them.  It might sound silly, but we all had fun taking a turn using this.

This entire holiday was a perfect example of learning to Let Go and Let God.  There’s not a thing in the world we can do about the weather, so we might as well relax and enjoy it.  And oh the memories we’ll have.   :)


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Wow! That was a storm for all of you! I live in Iowa where we are used to getting that kind of storm and we didn't get nearly that weather. In fact, we had some freezing rain...which I HATE. I can drive in snow, but not on ice.

    Sounds like you all had a Merry Christmas despite the change in plans. Happy New Year!

  2. I am slighty jealous of your white CHRISTmas!

    I am so thankful that you had a great time with family. Even more thankful that you found my blog and I found a new friend.

    Praying that you are richly blessed in Him this coming year!


  3. I'm glad you decided to come on Wednesday.
    It was pretty crazy wasn't it?!!
    Although our family didn't get to spend Christmas like we always do, and plans were changed, it was fine. We were all safe & warm and eventually got to be together.
    Looks like y'all had lots of fun playing.
    Very cute pictures!

  4. WOW look at all that snow, HOW AWESOME!!! Stay safe and warm and your pictures are too cute, looks like everyone is enjoying the snow!!! Hugs!


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