Thursday, February 02, 2006


Given enough coffee I could rule the world! Not that I want to be in charge of anything though. In fact, last night Keith and I were filling out some paperwork for our church transfer and one of the things they gave us is a Spiritual Gifts Questionaire. When all was said and done I scored a zero on the leadership category, which came as no surprise to any of us. Being in charge of anything at all is simply not a goal of mine. I am a sheep and really don't mind being led around. : )

But back to the coffee - again I have to thank Coffeemate for the wonderful flavors they come up with for us. What a wonderful pleasure to start the day! And I also love my assortment of fun coffee cups that I've gotten as gifts through the years. Isn't that a cute golden retriever? And it's not even Joe, though it looks exactly like him.

We had the most awesome evening last night and I'm not even going to feel guilty for not working on the house. Lynne' was at school last night, so when I got home from work Keith and I decided to hop on the motorcycle and ride for a bit, then stopped at Taco Bueno for dinner. I am still shocked that I'm enjoying that as much as I am since I was so against it for so long. What seemed funniest to me though was eating dinner last night with our helmets sitting on the table beside us. Usually when you see a couple in a restaurant with motorcycles they look a little different than we do!

~ Elizabeth

"Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart." - Phil Jackson


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

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  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    :-o I am still shocked! My future mother-in-law is a biker chick. hehehe. :o)

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    thanks for the kind words about my fiber snarl. sometimes it is truly the little things that trip me up! i love the puppy picture on your banner...what a great dog!


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